The DCC #3: Getting Into Data Consulting

The DCC is here to help you grow your data consulting business.
Data consulting sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Enjoying the freedom and building up a business can be exciting!
So, we’ve collected a ton of resources to help you read up for yourself:
How do start up data analytics consulting businesses get their first client? - Reddit Discussion - It’s a good discussion, pay special attention to the pinned answer.
A Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A Successful Data Analytics Consultant - Rashi Desai - This short little post is focused on what you need to do beforehand, especially building up skills when you transfer from a technical role, as most will do.
How To Become A Data Consultant: A Beginner’s Guide - careeerfoundry- there’s more than one type of data consulting business. This article gives a short overview of the types you can choose from.
The Consulting Handbook - SeattleDataGuy - Now, this is a comprehensive list of resources you should definitely read and dig through. The SDG ran a consulting business for years, so he is an expert in the field.
How I Left Facebook to Forge My Path in Data Consulting - SeattleDataGuy - following up on the long list of resources, this is a motivating piece about good and bad reasons to go into data consulting.
Locally Optimistic Meetup: Careers in Consulting - Locally Optimistic - this video is a great discussion on consulting in data.
Consulting and Freelancing in Data Analytics | ATA Show: Episode 25 - Alex’s Substack - Is a great video on freelancing in data analytics with Alex The Analyst who’s done this for years.
Starting A Data Consulting Company - A Live Chat With
- This is a chat between Alex and the SDG, exploring tons of topics in data consulting.What is Analytics Consulting? With John Ariansen | Alex The Analyst Show | Episode 9 - Alex the Analyst - Now this is a good introductory video on what analytics consulting really means.
How To Start A Data Analytics Consulting Company - Getting Clients and Improving Your Brand - SDG - finally, this video from the SeattleDataGuy is about growing your consulting business once you get off the ground.
Until next time,
from the Data Consulting Club